R ENERGY 1 S.A. announces that on 29 July 2022, trading is due to commence on the Alternative Market of the Athens Exchange of 4,075 common registered dematerialized Bonds of the common bond loan (CBL) with a nominal value of 1,000 Euros, which have been issued by the company.
Specifically, on 22/12/2021, the backing period of the CBL by the company ended, at which time a total of 4,075 common registered dematerialized bonds with a nominal value of 1,000 Euros each were made available through a Private Placement in accordance with the resolutions of 24/11/2021 and 25/11/2021 of the Extraordinary General Meeting and the Board of Directors of the Company, resulting in raising of funds in the amount of 4,075,000 Euros.
The CBL has a term of five (5) years, an annual interest rate of 4.50%, and ten (10) semi-annual interest periods. The issue date of the CBL was set for 22 December 2021.
The Nominated Advisor is Aeonic Securities C.I.F. PLC and the Bondholder Agent is the company Solidus Securities ISF.
Admission of the aforementioned Bonds to trading on the Alternative Market of the Athens Exchange was approved by the Listings and Market Operation Committee of the Athens Exchange at its meeting of 25 July 2022.
On the date on which trading commences, the Bonds having an issue date of 22/12/2021 will have been credited to the holders’ shares and securities accounts in the Dematerialized Securities System.
The reference price of the Bonds will be 100.00% of the nominal value of each Bond, i.e. 1,000.00 Euros, and the trading code in Greek script will be POENO1 and in Latin script ROENB1.
The Information Document prepared by the Company on the issue of the Bonds will be available in electronic form on the Company’s website (https://www.r-energy.gr/enimerosi-ependyton/), that of the Athens Exchange (www.athexgroup.gr), as well as on the website of the Nominated Advisor (www.aeonic.com.cy) as of 25.7.2022. It will also be available in hard copy at the offices of the Company and those of the Nominated Advisor.
For any clarification or further information, Bondholders are kindly requested to contact the Company’s Bondholders’ Service Department during business days and hours at 210 808 1241 (the competent officers are Mr. Andreas Avramopoulos and Mr. Ilias Kantzioris).
This document has not been reviewed by ATHEX and is distributed for informational purposes only